Topics and Replies

September 25, 2007

Ishaq bin Rahawayh (d. 238 H.)

Filed under: Scholars — Um Abdullah M. @ 10:13 am

Is-haq Ibn Ibrahim bin Rahawaih (238 H.)

For a More detailed bio of this great Imam please visit this link:


Name: Abu Ya’qub Is-haq bin Ibrahim bin Mukhalad bin Ubaidallah bin Handalah bin Malik bin Tamim Ibn Murrah al Maruzi  known as Ibn Rahawaih.


He combined between hadith, fiqh and piety, and he was one of the imams of Islam.

Ad-Darqutni mentions him among those who related hadiths on the authority of ash-Shafi, and Al Bayhaqi counted him amongst the companions of  Al Shafi’i.

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said about him: “We consider Is-haq as an imam from the imams of the Muslims; and none more nowledgable in fiqh has passed the bridge than Is-haq.”

And Is-haq said: ”I memorize by heart seventy thousand hadiths; and I study by a hundred thousand hadith; I never heard anything without memorizing it by heart nor learned anything by ,  heart which I afterwards forgot.”

He has a well-known Musnad.  He traveled to Hijaz, Iraq, Yemen, and Sham (Sham= Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan), and heard from Sufyan Ibn Uyaina and others of the same period;  Al-Bukhari, Muslim, and at- Tirmidhi heard from him.

Ibn Rahwaih was born 161 H; some say 163 or 166 and in his latter days he resided in Naisapur, where he died on the eve of the 15th of Shaban (which was a Thursday or, according to others, a Sunday or a Saturday), 238 H.

Rahwaih was a surname given to his father Abu ‘l-Hasan Ibrahim because he was born on the road to Makkah (rah  in Persian means: road, and waih means: found)  so it is as if he was found on the road.  This word is also pronounced Rahuyah.


Source: summerized from Wifayat al A’yan, by Ibn Khallikan 


September 19, 2007

Hadith ( I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate )

Filed under: Hadith,Replying to Shia — Um Abdullah M. @ 4:29 pm


(I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate) 

The narrators of the hadith (attributed to their narrations falsely):
Abdullah Ibn Abbas  (radiyallahu anhu)
2_ Jabir bin Abdullah    (radiyallahu anhu)
3_ Anas bin Malik  (radiyallahu anhu)
4_ Ali bin Abi Talib   (radiyallahu anhu)  

The hadith has been shown\declared  to be  false\fabricated  by the following scholars: 

Yahya Bin Ma’een  
Source:   al Jarh wat-Ta’deel  6/99               
Su’alat ibn Junayd   #185
Tareekh Baghdad  11/205

Ahmad Bin Hanbal
Source: Tareekh Baghdad   11/49 

Ibn Hibban  
Source: al Majruheen 2/136 

Ibn ‘Adi
Source: al Kamel fi ad-Du’afa 1/311 & 316 

Source: Ta’liqat ‘ala al Majruheen 179 

Ibn Al-Qaisarani
Source: Dhakhirat al Huffadh 5/2578 – Tadhkirat al Huffadh #136 

Ibn Al-Arabi al Maliki
Source: Ahkam al Quran 3/86 

Ibn A’sakir
Source: Tareekh Dimashq 45\321 

Ibn Al-Jawzi
Source: Al Mawdu’at 2/112-116 

Source: Tahdheeb al Asma’ wal-Lughat 1/348 

Source: Tahdheeb al Kamal 11/462 

Al Dhahabi
Source: Mizan al-I’tidal 1/415 – 1/110  



September 16, 2007

Tafsir of verse-ayah (3:180) : “To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth”

Filed under: Allah's names and attributes,Quran-Tafsir — Um Abdullah M. @ 10:51 am

Allah azza wa jal said – translation of the meaning-:  
(And let not those who [greedily] withhold what Allah has given them of His bounty ever think that it is better for them. Rather, it is worse for them. Their necks will be encircled by what they withheld on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. And Allah, with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted. ) H\K\saheeh translation (3:180)

A note before quoting the tafsir of the ayah: 

“Inheriting” that happens between humans is of things that they don’t “own”, it is things that belonged to someone else, and then after the”owners” death they “inherited” it.

but for Allah azza wa jal, everything is His (He owns it), and it belongs to Him, he is al Malik, everything is Allah’s “mulk”.

so for humans they are taking something that was not there’s at first, then they owned it after “inheriting” it, while Allah azza wa jal is taking something that is His, that belongs to Him, so it was His before and after “inheriting”.

Imam at Tabari rahimahu Allah said in his tafsir of ayah (3:180):

تفسير الطبري – (ج 7 / ص 440)

القول في تأويل قوله : { وَلِلَّهِ مِيرَاثُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضِ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ (180) }

قال أبو جعفر: يعني بذلك جل ثناؤه: أنه الحي الذي لا يموت، والباقي بعد فَناء جميع خلقه.

فإن قال قائل: فما معنى قوله:”له ميراث السموات والأرض”، و”الميراث” المعروف، هو ما انتقل من ملك مالك إلى وارثه بموته، ولله الدنيا قبل فناء خلقه وبعده؟

قيل: إن معنى ذلك ما وصفنا، من وصفه نفسه بالبقاء، وإعلام خلقه أنه كتِب عليهم الفناء. وذلك أنّ ملك المالك إنما يصير ميراثًا بعد وفاته، فإنما قال جل ثناؤه:”ولله ميراث السموات والأرض”، إعلامًا بذلك منه عبادَه أن أملاك جميع

خلقه منتقلة عنهم بموتهم، وأنه لا أحد إلا وهو فانٍ سواه، فإنه الذي إذا أهلك جميع خلقه فزالت أملاكهم عنهم، لم يبق أحدٌ يكون له ما كانوا يملكونه غيره.

وإنما معنى الآية:”لا تحسبن الذي يبخلون بما آتاهم الله من فضله هو خيرًا لهم بل هو شر لهم سيطوقون ما بخلوا به يوم القيامة”، بعد ما يهلكون وتزولُ عنهم أملاكهم، في الحين الذي لا يملكون شيئًا، وصار لله ميراثه وميراث غيره من خلقه.

Rough translation:

(The tafsir of His saying : “and to God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and earth; and God is aware of the things you do

Abu Ja’far (at Tabari) said: Allah -jal thana’uhu- meant by that: that He is the alive that does not die, and He remains after the perishing of all of His creation.

and if one says: so what does His saying mean: “and to Him belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth” and “the inheritance“, that is known, is the transfering of the property\ownership from the owner to the inheriter, after his death, and to Allah is the dunya (this world) before the perishing of the creation and after it ?

It is said (to him): the meaning of that is what we described, His (Allah’s) describing of Himself with eternal existance, and His informing of His creation that He has decreed their perishing.

And because the property of the owner becomes inheritance after his death, so Allah azza wa jal said: “to Allah is the inheritance of the heavens and the earth” informing, by that, that the property of all of His creation is transfering to Allah (going back to Him) after their deaths, and that no one but will perish except Him (Allah), for He is the one when perishing all of His creation, and all of their property is removed from them, no one will remain for their property to go to except Him.

and the meaning of the ayah: “And let not those who [greedily] withhold what Allah has given them of His bounty ever think that it is better for them. Rather, it is worse for them. Their necks will be encircled by what they withheld on the Day of Resurrection” (3:180), after they perish (the niggard\greedy) and their property is removed from them, in the time that they don’t own anything, to Allah becomes its intheritance, and the inheritance of rest of His creation.

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